Sunday, May 4, 2014

Happiness is a Subjective Term

  What is happiness? I think it’s something we tend to ponder when we are lacking. Happiness, like many other things in life, is a subjective term. It has a different definition for each person. For some, happiness means seeing others happy and making a difference in someones life. For others, happiness is based on having, such as having a steady job and a steady boyfriend or girlfriend. This definition scares me. Why? These things are temporary. Does that mean without these you will be miserable? I want a happiness so strong that I can feel comfortable with everything, but still have the same amount of comfort if I lost all of my possessions. In this day and age, it appears that many of us, including I are often guilty of basing happiness on material items. New technology, new shoes, and the latest handbag: we want it all. Like Oscar Wilde once said, “Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing.”   My fear has always been the unknown. I don’t like surprises, I need to know what’s going to happen so I can plan accordingly. I’m scared of things that leave and change, that’s why i’m reluctant to get attached to people, because what if they up and leave? As time goes on, i’m realizing that is not how life works, and i’m working on it. You have to be willing to loosen the reins that you think you have on life, so you can experience all that it has to offer. Just because some people leave, that doesn’t mean that all of them will.You have to be willing to fall. Sometimes that fall will make you all the more stronger.  
 I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately, and I have been trying to focus on not allowing materialistic items to determine my happiness.I decided to compile a list of simple things that make me happy throughout the day.      

-The ability to walk and explore new places. My curiosity will keep me traveling and exploring as long as my legs keep moving.      

-The stillness of the morning air      

-The smell of fresh flowers and fresh cut grass      

-Having time off from school and work to read a book      

-New journals and the possibilities for the fresh pages     

-When I get home from school and my dog is excited to see me      

-Blasting country music      

-Long drives on a Sunday      

-Small country towns and the sense of community that’s established there.     

-The sense of clarity you get after you write.      


-Eating healthy      

-Ability to see and hear


What makes you happy? Is it something that's around long-term?

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